Don't just give away your power to corporations and special interests.
Yes, you may not be happy with any of the candidates. And yes, there may be entities who are determined
to try to steal the election. But don't sit on the sidelines and give away your power. Put up a fight. Arm yourself with information about all of the candidates as well as the issues that are important to you.
Make a decision and then Vote.
And no matter whether you decide to vote for Barack Obama, John McCain, Bob Barr or another candidate remember to hold their feet to the fire after January.
Pamela Lyn
The following is an important message from VoteForChange:
Registration deadlines are coming up soon, and we need every single vote we can get to win this election. Tell your friends, family, and neighbors to check out our new one-stop voter registration website. Just forward this message. makes it easier than ever to register. Instead of tracking down the right forms, all you need to do is answer a few basic questions and you'll be ready to vote. You can also:
If you don't know your own registration status or you'd like to learn more, take a minute to visit the site right now. This race is too close and too important to stay home on Election Day. If you take the time to register and vote -- and make sure everyone you know is registered as well -- we'll be able to turn the tide of the past eight years. It's people just like you who will transform this nation. Thanks, Barack |
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