In just one more example of the often cavalier and callous attitude that the oil industry takes toward the ecosystems that it invades, the Kemp's Ridley Turtle, one of the most endangered species of marine life in the world, is now being burnt alive as BP attempts to cleanup their mess.
To learn more about this tiny sea turtle go to:
"Below, is a video interview with boat Capt. Mike Ellis, who was hired by BP and the Coast Guard to help rescue Kemp's ridley turtles. He describes what he sees on the frontline of the effort to save the turtles and shares his firsthand account of BP corralling the turtles and burning them alive. He says that the turtle rescue mission was cut short by BP because of what he terms "frustration," between the rescue mission and the company. - S.G"
- t r u t h o u t | BP Killing Endangered Sea Turtles in "Burn Fields" (Video) (view on Google Sidewiki)