Friday, January 25, 2008

Must See Video from the World Economic Forum

Earlier today, CSPAN broadcast a discussion between former US Vice Pres. and recent Nobel Peace Prize recipient Al Gore, musician and activist Bono and, New York Times Foreign Affairs Columnist, Thomas Friedman on the interrelationship between the efforts to end global poverty and the urgent need to address the climate change crisis.

The broadcast entitled "Poverty and Global Climate Change" was from a session held during
the Annual Meeting 2008 of the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland.

Unfortunately, I was unaware of the broadcast before it aired and at the time of it's broadcast I was experiencing a temporary internet outage. However, I am certain that at some point this program will be either rebroadcast on C-SPAN or on another outlet such as FORATv or YouTube. If you are interested in the subjects of world poverty or climate change and have the opportunity to watch this discussion I highly recommend it.

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