by Paul Faulkner
Have you noticed in your life that when you put things off it always gets better?
That’s a lie, isn't it? Almost every time you put something off it gets worse, not better!
I know, sometimes you have to wait, and waiting makes you impatient. But plain old procrastination is just putting off what needs to be done.
And Jesus knew that this is a common tendency for every one of us. In Luke 9, he said "First things first! Your business is life, not death. And life is urgent! Announce God’s kingdom!" (Luke 9:60 The Message)
To the man who said, "Oh, excuse me, first I've got to get things straightened out at home," Jesus warned "No procrastination. No backward looks. Seize today!" (Luke 9:62)
How 'bout you? Join me and seize today right now. Do the things we need to get done today! URL: (c) 2006 Paul Faulkner.
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