Today's Scripture
"Cast your burdens on the Lord, releasing the weight of them and He will sustain you." (Psalm 55:22)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
When you're at peace, you are in a position of power! When you go through adversities, the enemy fully expects you to get upset, lose your joy, complain, and host your own "pity party." He's devised a plan to keep you in an attitude of defeat. When you choose to obey God's Word and refuse to get upset, you break the forces of darkness and defeat the enemy in your life.
Jesus said in John 14:27, "I'm leaving you My peace. I'm giving it unto you." The Amplified version says, "Now stop allowing yourself to be agitated and disturbed. And do not permit yourselves to become unsettled." God has done His part to give you His peace. As a child of God, His peace is on the inside of you right now. You've got to do your part and make the decision to live in peace.
When negative circumstances arise, and you make the choice to stay calm and live in peace, you are showing that you have faith and trust in God. Today, choose to keep peace in your life. When you cast your burdens on Him, He promises to sustain you–that's a place of true peace, a place of lasting power!
A Prayer for Today
God, I know that You are in control, I know that You're going to see me through; I trust You. I know that no weapon formed against me is going to prosper. Today, I will focus on the peace inside of me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Joel Osteen Ministries, 3700 Southwest Freeway, Houston TX 77027
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