Now that Tony Blair is no longer Britain's Prime Minister and Vladimir Putin has seemingly betrayed him with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, will French President Nicolas Sarkozy be George Bush's new best friend?
After all, Sarkozy is handsome, charming, has a wonderful accent, has little tolerance for nosey reporters and agrees with Bush on Iran. Sarkozy probably looks good with his shirt off too! eHarmony couldn't have made a better match.
It's reported that there was a hint of magic in the air along with hugs and looks into each other's eyes during Sarkozy's visit to Le Maison Blanc. Oops, the eyes can be deceiving, can't they? Forget that.
Oh well, at least George has a new friend. So take that Vladimir. You can go play with Mahmoud all you want!
Now if someone could teach them all to play nice.
ABC News reports:
MOUNT VERNON, Virginia (Reuters) - The U.S. and French presidents forged a common front against Iran's nuclear ambitions on Wednesday, signaling a further warming of once-chilly relations between Washington and Paris.
In a sign that diplomatic ties have advanced beyond the era of "freedom fries," President George W. Bush and French President Nicolas Sarkozy agreed to keep the pressure on Tehran, which has defied demands to halt uranium enrichment.
"The idea of Iran having a nuclear weapon is dangerous," Bush said standing shoulder to shoulder with Sarkozy at a news conference in Mount Vernon, the historic estate of George Washington, the first U.S. president.
Sarkozy, who has won U.S. praise for taking a stronger stand against Iran than his predecessor, Jacques Chirac, agreed that a nuclear-armed Iran would be "unacceptable" and said there was "a need to toughen the sanctions" against Tehran
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