I'm back from my little hiatus of gardening, spring cleaning, family time and spiritual reflection. I never thought that I would find such serenity in housecleaning but between you and me, it was refreshing to be away from the politics of the Democratic presidential primary contest. :-)
Political junkie that I am, I was keeping up with all of the goings on. However, when I feel that I have nothing to add to a conversation I try not to waste your time and my breath (or typing in this case). Some things just have to run their course. Hopefully, now we can all begin to move on with the business of restoring this democracy, healing this land and its people.
So many of us have waited a very, very long time.
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Obama Is Continuing My Uncle's Mission (Rep. Patrick Kennedy)
I'm just absolutely thrilled to be part of this historic time in our nation's history. Tomorrow is the 40th anniversary of my uncle Robert Kennedy's death, but it is also, in a sense, a continuation of his unfinished campaign for a renewal in America, for how we can come together as a society between black and white, between those who have been disenfranchised in our society and those who felt left behind, and those who really haven't been welcomed into circles of opportunity or into our country. This is a chance, in this election, for them to finally have a voice and feel like this government belongs to them, too.
People haven't felt this empowered really, I think, since my uncle Robert Kennedy and Dr. King were giving them a voice in the late '60s. It's ironic that Barack Obama will give his convention night speech on the same day that Martin Luther King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. All of these ironies, I think, are not mere coincidences. I think there's something afoot here. There is something spiritual about him, and you can't help but feel that when you see the size of the crowds and you feel the spirit in the people. There really is a great energy, and it's really exciting to be around.
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