Tuesday, May 25, 2004

A Prayer for Our Nation. A Prayer for Our Nation

Dear Heavenly Father,

In these troubled times it is easy to focus on our nation�s shortcomings and forget its strengths.
It is easy to focus on outsourcing, gasoline prices, and unemployment then forget that our overall standard of living is better than the vast majority of the world.
In times like these we often take for granted everyday miracles like the birth of a child or the beauty in nature.
So, for every moment that I forgot to be grateful I ask your forgiveness and say thank you for all your blessings.

In troubled times it is human nature to focus on our personal problems and overlook the greater needs of those around us.
For this I ask your forgiveness.
It is easy to focus on our bills, pains and struggles and forget those who face danger, death and disease without hope in you.

When troubles arise it is easy to ask why you didn�t act but not ask ourselves why we failed to heed your warnings.
It is easy to forget that the gift of free will and liberty comes along with the responsibility for our decisions and actions (or the lack thereof).
So for every time that I witnessed injustice and was not morally outraged I ask your forgiveness.
For every time that I was given a chance to speak out against evil but remained silent I ask your forgiveness.
And, for every time you called me to act on another�s behalf and I did not I ask your forgiveness.

It is easy to demand a level of excellence from others that we do not live up to ourselves.
It is easy to stand in judgment when our leaders fail.
Let me never be one who always �points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better�1 without asking what I could have done to help.
May I remember that whatever measure I use in judging others will be used to measure how I am judged.
May I remember to pray for leadership when I recognize their shortcomings.

May I see a problem and seek your solution.
May I always seek your wisdom and guidance.
May I never forget from where I�ve come so I can encourage others walking the same path.
May I lead no man astray.
May I never again underestimate Your love, grace and forgiveness.
May I never cease to share your love with others.
May I remember that I must first become all that it is your will that I become before this nation can become all that it is your will for it to be.

Open the hearts and minds of our leadership to your wisdom and guidance.
Grant all those that will hear a revelation of your will for this nation.
Grant us an understanding of our role in global affairs.

�May we as nation be guided by the Divine to rediscover the sacred flame of our national heritage, which so many have given their lives to safeguard;
Let the wounds of separation and division be healed by opening our hearts to listen to the truth on all sides, allowing us to find a higher truth that includes us all;
May we, as a people, undergo a transformation that will draw forth individuals to lead our nation who embody courage, compassion and a higher vision;
May we as a nation rededicate ourselves to truly living as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all;
And may God�s Will be done for our nation, as we, the people, align with that Will.�2

In Jesus� name I pray.

1. from a quote by Theodore Roosevelt
2. By: Gordon Davidson and Corinne McLaughlin
The Center for Visionary Leadership
[Pam's Coffee Conversation]

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