Tuesday, October 11, 2005

How to Aid Earthquake Victims in South & Central Asia

International aid organizations are accepting donations to help victims of the devastating earthquake in South and Central Asia. The groups include:

AmeriCares(800) 486-HELP

American Jewish World Service(212) 736-2597

The British Red Cross(44-20) 870-170-9240

The American Red Cross(800) HELP-NOW

The International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies(41-22) 730-4222

Canadian Red Cross(800) 418-1111

CARE(800) 422-7385]

Catholic Relief Services (800) 736-3467

Church World Service(800) 297-1516

Christian Aid(44-20) 845-700-0300

Concern Worldwide (353-1) 850-410-510

Direct Relief International (805) 964-4767

Episcopal Relief and Development (800) 334-7626

Humedica (49-8341) 966-1480

International Medical Corps(800) 481-4462

The International Rescue Committee (877) REFUGEE

The International Rescue Corps (44-1324) 665011

Habitat for Humanity International(800) HABITAT

Islamic Relief(44-121) 622 0622

MAP International (800) 225-8550

Medair(41-21) 694-35-35

Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders(212) 679-6800

Mercy Corps(888) 256-1900

Muslim Aid(44-20) 7377-4200

Network for Good

Northwest Medical Teams(800) 959-HEAL

Oxfam(800) 77-OXFAM

Plan USA(800) 556-7918

Save the Children(800) 728-3843


UNHCR (800) 770-1100

The United Methodist Committee on Relief(800) 554-8583

World Food Program(202) 530-1694

World Vision (888) 511-6548

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